Hook underwear launches a new contest that will last until Christmas. A value of USD $239.00, the All Week Pack offers gives you a week off laundry : the dream of every man.
With a pair of undies and a pair of socks for every day of the week, there is no need for laundry or to wear you boxer briefs inside out so they can last 2 days! The all week pack got you covered for 7 days and there is even a bonus : a change for your night out! This pack is worth more than USD $235.00 but is sold at only USD $120.00 but now you have the chance to get it for free.
Here's how to enter the contest.
Terms and agreements for the All week pack contest :
- There will be 1 winner to this contest.
- To enter the contest and get a chance to win, you have to go on the website page of this free draw and fill the form.
- This contest is accessible only via our website and our form.
- You have until December 23th 29h59 to enter the contest.
- The winner will be announced on December 24th on Facebook and via email to all the participants.
- The winner will be contacted via email.
- The winner will have 7 days to redeem his or her price.
Good luck!